
Evaldo Porro

President of EFCEM Italia – Association of Manufacturers of Equipment for Catering and Hospitality – appointed in May 2016, he was President of EFCEM Europe from 2012 to 2015; he is a member of the APPLiA Italia board – Appliance Manufacturers Association. Prior to his role in Electrolux Professional as Global Head of Customer Care he had multi-purpose experience in the IT field (Ericsson and Toshiba) in biomedical (Amplifon) in space heating and cooling (Riello).

“IoT in world of professional appliances”

Research, innovation and development are the constants that have always guided the Italian catering and hospitality sector. In the modern scene, in terms of connectivity, the components play a leading role with the supply of devices, connectable systems and intelligent sensors, which in the future will change the scenario of the production of professional equipment and their use. For the professional sector, the future foresees an increasingly “connected” interlocutor, the computerization of products and processes guarantee the achievement of very high quality levels in the Ho.Re.Ca. sector. allowing a rationalization of production processes with significant economic savings, the growth in quality levels will thus also have a positive impact on the reduction of food waste. Innovation and energy efficiency are factors that drive the market towards continuous growth and that could be further strengthened by the advantages deriving from the hyper-amortization incentives provided for in the Industry 4.0 Plan and as a competitive tool worldwide.

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